(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—Permit me to correct an oversight in your reviewer's notice of the late R. A. Neil's " Equites of Aristophanes" in the Spectator of January 4th. A propos of Mr. Neil's infre- quent contributions to classical criticism, your reviewer cites Shilleto as a scholar whose contribution was limited to a single work,—an edition of Thucydides, Book L This is, of course, not the case. Putting aside his pamphlet, " Thu- cydides ? or Grote ? " and his innumerable versions from and into Greek and Latin (of which, at last, a suitable selection has been made, and issued by the Cambridge University Press), one must never forget his edition of Demosthenes's " De Falsa Legatione." This was originally issued in 1844 and passed through several editions. Shilleto was, I suppose, the last of the great Porsonian school of critics ; that school had, no doubt, its limitations, but it produced such scholars as Monk, Elmsley, Dobree ; and Shilleto will ever take an honourable place at their side among the most eminent scholars of the nineteenth century.—I am, Sir, &c.,