With thunder up the shore. All fitfully the West wind sighed In answer to the curlew's call; The sullen fires of sunset died, And darkness shrouded all. Once through the mist a......
A Cabinet Of Business Men.
[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR ; Bir. Robert Gardiner, in the Spectator of January 4th, is perfectly well aware that the instance quoted from my former letter to your......
A Correction.
[TO THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the interests of accuracy, permission is solicited to correct a statement made by a correspondent in the Spectator of November 78th......
The Modern Greek Language Question. [to Tee Editor Of Tee
" SPECTATOR." . 1 SInf"-YOU are, of course, like very many Englishmen, a great authority on the question of our language, and your articles about this question are of great......
Mr. Shilleto's Works.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—Permit me to correct an oversight in your reviewer's notice of the late R. A. Neil's " Equites of Aristophanes" in the Spectator of......