BOORS or REFERENCE. — Watford's County Families of the United Kingdom. (Spottiswoode
and Co. 22 10s.)—The fifty-third annual issue of this well-known work.---Who's Who in Science (International), 1913. Edited by H. H. Stephenson. (J. and A. Churchill. 8s. net.)—A valuable new section is added to this year's issue, giving a list of scientific societies with their publications. Otherwise the book remains as useful as ever, with its full bio- graphics and bibliographies ef men of science from all countries, and its interesting section dealing with the world's universities'. —Nisbees Medical Directory, 1913. (James Nisbet and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—The names of registered practitioners are here arranged in two different ways, first, alphabetically, and, secondly, accord- ing to the localities in which they live.—The Directory of Women Teachers, 1913. (Year Book Press. 5s. net.)—Information of every sort connected with the secondary education of girls will be found in this book—Gluts, 1913. Edited by E. C. Austen Leigh, M.A. (Spottiswoode & Co. 3s. eil.)—A list of English clubs in all parts of the world, with particulars as to subscription and other points.—The Church Directory and Almanack, 1913. (James Nisbet and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Churchmen cannot fail to find many uses for this convenient combination of year book and directory.—The Church Pulpit Year Book, 1913. (James Nisbet and Co. 2s. net.)—A set of sermons for every Sunday in the year, as well as for special occasions, is contained in this volume.—We have also received The Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1913 (T. F. Downie, 21 Warwick Lane, B.C., is. net), and The Catholic Directory, 1913 (Burns and Oates, is. 6(3. net).