The Pageant Of English Prose. Edited By R. M. Leonard.
(Oxford University Press. 3s. 43d.)—Five hundred passages by three hundred and twenty-five authors are contained in these pages. Mr. Leonard has therefore collected not the best......
Naw Editions. — The Government Of England. By A. Lawrence...
vols. (Macmillan and Co. 17s. net.)—This third edition of Mr. Lowell's well-known book contains a new chapter dealing with the Parliament Act and its probable effects upon the......
Adventures Of War With Cross And Crescent. By Philip Gibbs
and Bernard Grant. (Methuen and Co. 2s. net.)—Mr. Gibbs represented the Graphic on the Bulgarian side and Mr. Grant represented the Daily Mirror on the Turkish side. The book......
A History Of Montenegro. By Francis Seymour Stevenson....
Sons. 2s. 6(1. net.)—Mr. Stevenson wrote this history nearly thirty years ago, but it has never before been published. It has now been brought up to date, and the author has......
Soma Topographical Boos.—the Annals Of Hampstead. By...
3 vols. (A. and C. Black. 26 5n net.)—Of the outer districts of London none has a richer local history than Hampstead. Literary and artistic memories form its most important......
Boors Or Reference. — Watford's County Families Of The...
and Co. 22 10s.)—The fifty-third annual issue of this well-known work.---Who's Who in Science (International), 1913. Edited by H. H. Stephenson. (J. and A. Churchill. 8s.......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we Isaias such Books of the week as have not beam reserved for review U4 other forms.] When Sings Rode to Delhi. By Gabrielle Festing. (William Blackwood and......