Naw EDITIONS. — The Government of England. By A. Lawrence Lowell. 2
vols. (Macmillan and Co. 17s. net.)—This third edition of Mr. Lowell's well-known book contains a new chapter dealing with the Parliament Act and its probable effects upon the Constitution. He regards it as a rough-and-ready solution of a difficulty, "a cutting of the Gordian knot which has left loose ends." —The Twentieth-Century Book on the Horse. By Sydney Galvayne. (Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. 21s. net.)—This is the third edition of a book originally published in 1905.—Bacon's Essays. Edited by Sydney Humphries. (A. and C. Black. 6s. net.)—Mr. Humphries has reprinted the essays from the edition of 1673. The type is large and legible, if not of strikingly beautiful proportions or design.