The presence here of General Smuts and his participation in the numerous celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the League of Nations have given a distinct impetus to discussions of the League as well as the World Court. General Smuts is the last of the great Allied War figures to visit the United.
States. Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Foch, and now General Smuts have come. No one of these; however, has appealed to the American temperament quite so much as Smuts. His romantic career and outstanding personality appeal to American mentality to an unusual degree. Speaking at the Metropolitan Opera House on Sunday afternoon, before an immense throng of intelligentsia, and heard over the radio through sixty broadcasting stations not merely in this country but in Europe and Africa, he made a deep impression. Dressed simply in a lounge suit, he spoke for forty minutes without an oratorical flourish. His style and approach are more like those of Woodrow Wilson than anything we have had. The influence of his visit will be far reaching.