Country Life
ENGLAND VERSUS NEW ZEALAND. An account reachei me from New Zealand (to which Lord Bledisloe, our chief agricultural spokesman, emigrates as Governor-General) of a young settler......
To Discover What Is The Cause And What The Cure
of such a condition would appear to be one of the most stringent of national obligations. Perhaps Lord Bledisloe will explain the contrast when he has had sufficient experience......
Prematltre Spring.
Premature signs of spring have been very many among animals as among plants ; and one of them is to be commended to the attention of sportsmen. Partridges were pairing on......
A Tajcic Yeas.
Last week I put a query about the astonishing excess of cock-birds among pheasants this season. It is curious that my own experience seems to square exactly with the writer of a......
This Question Of The Value Of Land Is Not, Of
course, identical with the success of farming, though the two are inseparably bound together. What is most curious in England is the apparent contempt for houses. I know of two......
Some Years Ago A County Paper Offered To Publish Without
charge any advertisement for land to be sold below a certain price. The exact figure I forget. I believe that if such an offer were made to-day the paper would be overwhelmed......
When All Is Said In Favour Of The Climate And
soil of New Zealand, and its smaller burden of taxes, I cannot believe that this degree of superiority is inherently justified. Consider the case—to quote another instance—of......
The Extreme Number Of Cocks Is The More Curious Among
pheasants as the bird, unlike that most faithful of birds, the partridge, is polygamous. How has it come about that every year cocks are in excess of nature's requirements ; and......