General Knowledge Questions
Oua weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. W. F. Broadbent, Halefield, Wendover, Bucks, for the following :-
Questions on Italian Painters and Pictures 1. Who painted " St. Francis and the Birds " ?
2. By whom is the portrait of Doge. Leonardo Loredauo ?
3. Who painted " The Madonna of the Cherries " ? 4. From what gallery has Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" been brought ? 5. Who painted the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ? 6. Who painted " The Rout of San Romano " ? 7. Where is Raphael's picture of the Transfiguration ? 8. Who painted " The Madonna of the Basket ' ? 9: Who painted " The Family of Darius at the feet of Alexan- der " ?
10. Where is Leonardo's picture of the Last Supper ? 11. Who painted " The Three Philosophers " ?
12. Who was a pupil of Filippo Lippi
13. Who painted a picture of the Rotunda at Ranelagh ?
Answers will be found on page 72.