11 JANUARY 1930, Page 36


Not a few holders of India stocks are very natfiially displaying anxiety concerning both the news from that country and the fall which has taken place in India stocks. Nor is this altogether surprising. It may fairly be hoped and believed that the more alarmist views expressed in some quarters with regard to India will be found not to he justified, though it is evident that the situation is a difficult one. Without, however, indulging in any undue alarm, there would seem to be one very simple reason sufficient in itself to account for the fall which has taken place so far in India stocks. Although, of course, the British Government has never assumed any direct financial responsibility to holders of India stocks, the fact remains that for very many years the credit of the Indian Government has been almost on a par with that of the Home Government because of the exceptional relations between the two countries. When, however, we find our own Government coming to the point of elaborating for India Dominion status, it is scarcely sur- prising that, inasmuch as this development coincides with so much that is disturbing with conditions in India itself, investors in India stocks should have been considerably perturbed.

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