Sm,—With reference to the statement made by Sir W. Beach Thomas that Buchan's cold spell from December 3rd had been particularly cold and frosty in England, but that he had no report from Scotland, I am glad to be able to report that his prediction was very nearly correct-7-as far as the Glasgow area was concerned. We had mild weather up till
• Thursday, December 13th, when a cold wind arose, and on Friday morning, 14th, we had white frost on the ground, which turned into fog the following day. There must have been a change of wind, as the Weather turned Mild again, and today, 19th, we are still enjoying mild weather with bright sunshine and a very low barometer.
Buchan's next prophetic record is a cold spell at the beginning of February, when he anticipates the coldest day of the year, which, however, in our experience, generally falls in January. Yours faithfully,
" Drum-na-hoy," 39 Hillside Road, Man. sewood, Glasgow, S.3.