There Are Few Sections Of The Population Who Deserve More
sym- pathy than the indigent aged. The young, at the worst, have physical vigour, and better days to look forward to. The old are only waiting patiently for the end. Let them at......
The Resignation Of Mr. Ellis Smith From The Parliamentary...
taryship of the Board of Trade will not shake the Government to its foundations. Indeed, though Mr. Ellis Smith, a worthy trade union official, is personally popular, it is......
A Spectator's Notebook
W ITH U.N.O. formally in being, and the League of Nations pre- paring to hand over to its successor its personality and appur- tenances, the question of the future of the League......
The Vacancy In The Representation Of The English...
Parliament caused by the death of their senior member, Miss Eleanor Rathbone, will, I should imagine, bring several candidates into the field. If there is any feeling that a......
Report Of The Chief Of Staff Of The United States
Army,7uly, I, 1943, to 7une 30, 1945, to the Secretary of War, now reprinted by His Majesty's Stationery . Office, price 2s. 6d. Admirably written and illustrated, it covers the......
The World Assembly
B Y the time these words are in print, the Assembly of the United Nations, representing fifty states, will have held its first meet- ing. It is necessary to emphasise the......