Fruits of Moscow
The Three-Power Commission, consisting of Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr, Mr. Harriman and M. Vyshinsky„ which is now in Rumania, has encountered some difficulties in carrying out the terms of the Moscow agreement but they appear to have been overcome. It was agreed that the Rumania Government should be broadened by ihe inclusion of members of the Opposition parties ; the three members of the Commission were to satisfy themselves that the new Ministers were suitable and would work loyally with the Government. The National Peasant Party nominated M. Michalache and the National Liberal Party M. Bebe Bratianu ; both candidates were rejected by the Groza Government on the grounds that they were reactionaries and would attempt to pursue "anti-Russian policies." The two parties have now nominated new candidates, M. Emil Hatieganu for the National Peasants, and M. Mihail Romniceanu for the National Liberals, both of whom have been accepted by the Government. M. Hatieganu's credentials include that of having been arrested by the Government of which he is now to become a Minister. Having thus broadened its basis, the Groza Government has now officially pledged itself to carry out the conditions insisted on by Great Britain and the United States at Moscow, which include the holding of free and democratic elections and the restoration of freedom of the Press, speech, religion and association. In return, Great Britain and the United States agreed at Moscow to grant official recognition to the Groza regime.