11 JANUARY 1946, Page 2

Nuremberg Progress

The patient but effective accumulation of evidence against the Nuremberg prisoners continues. The original charges by Sir Hartley Shawcross covered the ground comprehensively, but this week the various crimes are being brought home to the individual con- spirators—to use the term favoured by the various speakers for the prosecution—on the basis of damning documentary evidence from the mass discovered in the Nazi archives. Enough has been heard of the activities of Goering and Ribbentrop particularly to make pre- diction about the fate of those two fallen magnates something much more than surmise. Keitel and Jodi, as service chiefs, are in a different category, but the Charter of the court has laid it down that obedience to orders is no defence of actions in themselves indefensible. The mills at Nuremberg grind slowly—that is inevitable—but they are grinding exceeding small, and both the process itself and its results will be historic and impressive.