11 JANUARY 1992, Page 12


A reader received this press release from the Union Society, Cambridge: URGENT: ATTENTION NEWS DESK PRESS RELEASE Subject: Colonel Oliver North Lecture Colonel Oliver North will be addressing the Cambridge Union Debating Society on the evening of 26th November 1991 at 8.00 pm.

President Elsbeth Johnson, (queens' College) will be residing over the House.

Colonel North will be lecturing from 8 to 8.45 pm and will be taking 45 minutes of questions from the House.

The lecture will be taking place in the Cambridge Union Debating Chamber which has a capacity audience of 1200. The Chamber is a mock copy of the House of Commons.

If you would like to send a journalist and/or photographer to this event I will need confirmation, for security purpos- es, of personnel attending by 10 am on Tuesday 26th November 1991. All per- sonnel should arrive and report to the Office of the Cambridge Union by 7.15 pm.

There will be a chance to interview the President or Treasurer of the Society earlier in the evening. Colonel North will not be avaiable for interviews, how- ever he will be available for questions during the lecture.

There has been considerable student interest for the lecture, including a front page article in the University Newspa- per of Cambridge; Varsity. The Stu- dents Union have also planned a large demonstration against Oliver North.

The lecture is being covered by several National and Inter-national TV & Radio companies. If you would like to be involved or would like infomation, please contact me as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely Simon Daniel (Press Liaison Officer) If you have an example of a crass, illiter- ate, ignorant, irrelevant or embarrassing letter or notice from a company or pub- lic body, send a copy to Unlettered, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London, WC1N 2LL. £10 for each one printed.