Expert Witness
Sir: Mr Tom Benyon states (Letters, 4 Jan- uary) that I am the 'expert theological wit- ness for the well-funded Shopping Hours Reform Council' (SHRC), and that it is therefore......
Bard And Bird
Sir: Coming from Norfolk, I not only sleep in my clothes during the winter but also know the heron by the name which would have been familiar to Shakespeare — harnser. Surely......
Hot Stuff
Sir: In the Christmas issue, Digby Ander- son's 'Food' column contains a recipe for kimchi, that excellent Korean preserve. A warning, though: while mixing in the three......
Letters No Trace Of Roguery
Sir: Miss Applebaum appears to think that Israeli society may well be affected by an immigration conditioned by 'the vengeful, unhappy nationalism that reigns in the Soviet......