On Wednesday the President visited Windsor Castle, the impressiveness of
which, as a survival from a past that stretches back through English history, he is entirely com- petent to appreciate ; and later proceeded to Aldershot to attend a review of sixteen thousand men, among whom the artillery and cavalry showed themselves superb. The journey was marked by a succession of scenes, among which the reporters specially observe that the people wherever they were assembled cheered for the President as heartily as for the King. The day ended with a State dinner given by the Secre- tary for Foreign Affairs, followed by a State ball at Bucking- ham Palace, a scene even more magnificent than that at the Grand Opera. Every honour, in short. that could be paid to a great Sovereign has been paid to President Loubet, the " little man in black " whom France has made her first citizen ; and on Thursday he set out on his return again, escorted by the King to Victoria, " enchanted," his friends say, with his reception.