[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."'
you allow me in perfect good faith to put three questions to your Protectionist correspondents ? (1) If wealth consists in commodities (and Mr. Seddon appears to be alone in his......
[to Tee Editor Of Tee "spectator."]
SIR,—In your editorial footnote to the letter of "Open Mind" in the Spectator of July 4th you say "that it is an eternal law that he who will not buy neither shall he sell." May......
Lbe Ere Editor Op Tier " Spectator:9 Sir,—if We Are
to save England from the national disaster of a relapse into Protection, we must recognise what it is which makes the idea of Protection attractive to many working men. The......
(to The Editor Or The "speotator.1
SIR,—Your comments last week on my article on Free-trade in the Fortnightly Review are so misleading, they so completely by their tone, wording, and direct misstatements alter......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator1
Sin,—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in his letter in the Spectator of July 4th has pithily stated the whole argument for Protec- tion in a sentence, and thrown down a challenge to Free-......