Public Schools Scholarship Questions. By E. J. Lloyd, B.A. (Swan
Sonnenschein and Co. 5s. net.)—Mr. Lloyd has collected the papers recently set in the examinations for scholarships, entrance and other, in eighteen public schools. The dates vary from 1897 to 1901. Most of them belong to the three years 1899- 1901. The compilation will prove of the very greatest use to teachers preparing boys for these trials. It will be understood that the standard varies considerably. , The subjects of the papers are Greek and Latin, French and German, mathematics and arithmetic ; to the last two answers are given. The first question of the first paper contains a curious mistake. It begins thus,—" Translate Tanta fuit omnium exspectatis vivendi." Then comes a blank space ; then " (a)," indicating that the translation begins, and followed by " Alcibiadis." Our readers can emend if they please.