Parliament On Thursday, July 2nd, the Upper House went into
Committee on the Franchise Bill and passed an amend- ment limiting the operation of the alternative vote to London boroughs (not the City) and others with populations exceeding 200,000. In the Lower House there was a disgraceful scene of which enough has been said. It led to the suspension of one Scottish member for the rest of the Session, and to some humble apologies on Monday last. Mr. Baldwin and Sir Herbert Samuel explained for their Parties that, though they knew of the Prime Minister's announcement, which we recorded last week, on the British support for Indian credit, before it was made, and though they had no doubt that it was right and proper, they were not " consulted " and could therefore take no responsibility for it. The House then brought the Report Stage of the Finance Bill to an end. The Government's majority sank to five on a matter of applying the Land Value Tax to Garden Cities. On Friday, July 3rd, the Bill passed its third reading after a debate, which Mr. Lloyd George turned largely from serious discussion while he entertained the House with a tirade against Sir John Simon. Mr. Snowden boasted of his attack on the land monopoly," which, as he and we know well does not exist. However, the Speaker felt bound to certify the Bill as a Money Bill.