New Novels
STORM. By Gavin Holt. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. (id.) —Piracy, jealousy, vengeance, romance—here are all the time-honoured ingredients of a South Seas thriller, mixed. by a......
The Third Volume Of The War In The Air By
IT. A. Jones, being the official history of the Royal Air Force in the late War (Clarendon Press, with case of maps, 28s. 6d.), deals mainly with the air-raids on Great Britain......
Panizzi, Who Came To England In 1823 As An Almost
penniless political refugee, lived to become the Director of the British Museum, to reorganise the library on its present lines, and to build the reading room. As a librarian he......
Pagan, By W. F. Morris (bles, 7s. 6d.) Begins Like
Three Men in a Boat, goes on like Sherlock Holmes, and ends like Martin Harvey in The Only Way. It will make the most jaded reader sit up and take notice.......
A Group Of Oxford Men And Women, Including The Master
of Balliol and Mr. Lionel Curtis, have put out a little volume on The Government of Oxford (Oxford University Press, 3s. 6d.). In the preface they disclaim any wish to propound......
In The Lavender Dagger (hodder And Stoughton, 7s. 6d.) Mr.
Dion Clayton Calthrop is cheerfully voluble on the well-worn theme of an eccentric old lady's will. It is meant for a souffle and candour, if not politeness, suggests the......
Army Without Banners. By John Beames. (berm, 7s. 6d.)—in The
Far North-West of Canada, where this army operates, strong men swear, and weak women weep, on the slightest provocation. This nice novel that ends in a kiss should please them.......
The Index To Volume 146 Of The " Spectator "
WILL BE READY ON JULY 18Trr One Shilling (or 25 cents) for each copy should be enclosed with instructions, and addressed to :— INDEX DEPT., THE " SPECTATOR,_" LTD., 99 GOWER......
Those Passages Of Money Writes (t. Werner Laurie, 7s. 6d.)
in which Mr. Upton Sinclair writes about his own experiences of the capitalist press, and of other writers whom he has known, are valuable as a picture of contemporary America.......
What Are The Qualities Which Lend Themselves To Biography ?
Millicent Garrett Fawcett (John Murray, 15s.) was, we think, without 'them, able woman as -she was. Mrs. Oliver Strachey surely lacks nothing which should make her a first-rate......
Current Literature
THESE fourteen biographical studies ranging over a period From Anne to Victoria (Methuen, 10s. 6d.) are based upon lectures given under Oxford auspices outside the University.......
Some Women Shouldn't Marry. By D. M. Locke. (nash And
Grayson. 7s. 6d.)—Though the title sounds flippant, this is a nothing-if-not-earnest study of unre- sponsive feminine temperament. The strings are neatly contrived, but the......