Sir Neville Lyttelton General Sir Neville Lyttelton, Governor of Chelsea
Hospital since 1912, died on Monday, aged eighty-five. He was one of the eight sons of the fourth Lord Lyttelton, whose wife was a daughter of Sir Stephen Glynne and a sister of Mrs. W. E. Gladstone. All the brothers, in- cluding the late Alfred Lyttelton, were keen sportsmen and good cricketers. Sir Neville entered the Rifle Brigade and saw service in Canada, India and the Sudan before he went out with Sir Redvers Buller to Natal in the South African War. As Commander of the 2nd Division he took a decisive part in the fighting on the Tugela, which led to the relief of Ladysmith. Later, under Lord Kitchener, he cleared the Boer invaders out of Cape Colony. In 1904 he was appointed the first Chief of the General Staff, and held that difficult post for four years,