The Duke of Aosta Italy has lost a distinguished soldier
in the Duke of Aosta, a cousin of the King of Italy, who died on Sunday at the age of sixty-two. The Duke was the son of the unfortunate Amadeus, who was induced to accept the Spanish Throne in 1870, and left it without regret in 1873 after a humiliating experience. The Duke of Aosta devoted his life to the Italian army and for many years commanded at Naples. In the War he was in command of the Third Army on the Carso and the Piave, and played a distinguished part in the final rout of the Austrians at Vittorio Veneto. We must record, too, the death at Copenhagen of the great Danish philosopher, Harald Minding, at the age of eighty-eight. He had long since achieved a European reputation by his writings, especially on the history of philosophy and on the philo- sophy of religion. • * *