Sm,—I was very pleased to see your article "Young England"
last week, but profoundly disappointed after reading it. Its vagueness is typical of Tory policy for the past twenty years, and "Old England" could knock spots off some of the ideas. What were they? (t) Spans Report for Education. (2) Compulsory increase of wages for agricul- tural workers. (3) State control of any enterprise where expedient.
(2) and (3) are already in effect. The idea of an investment-board is many years old. But let these young men take heart of grace and try again. Here are two extracts from Disraeli's Coningsby to help them: "It is always perilous to adopt expediency as a guide," and, "You must give men new ideas, teach them new words, you must modify their manners, you must change their laws, you must root out prejudices, subvert convictions, if you wish to be great."—! am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. G. FULLER. Penkill Castle, Girvan, Ayrshire.