IN her latest novel Miss Delafield undertakes to show us that backwards is an effective way home. Though unpersuaded, and a little worried by some waste of skill and ingenuity,......
My American Diary. By Sir Walter Citrine. (routledge....
WALTER CITRINE'S great influence in the English Trade Union movement gives a special interest to his record of his journeys in the United States, which he visited as a......
Carmen Sylva, Queen And Woman. By Elizabeth Burgoyne....
Spottiswoode. 128. 6d.) As Rumania has been in our minds of late, Miss Burgoyne's pleasant life of her first queen, Elizabeth of Wied, makes an appropriate appearance. To the......
Shorter Notices
The Silence of the Sea and Other Essays. By Hilaire Belloc. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.) MR. BELLOC, as a practised essayist, excites curiosity by the title of his opening paper. He does......