The Negev
SIR,—In April, 1939, yob published an article entitled Land for the Jews, advocating the development of the Negev for the relief of their distress; the idea was not taken up, partly because it required imagina- tion (which is not a characteristic quality of any Civil Service) and partly because it required energy and money (which the country sadly lacked).
. How right you were ! Recent reports show that in the northern Negev crops of barley and wheat were raised in 1951 on 37,000 acres of land and that in 1952 crops are expected on 170,000 acres, grbwn by 70 settlements of pioneers. The area under cultivation is being yearly increasedo and each year, as the work is continued, the quality of the land is improved. Where there's a- will there's a way !—I am, Sir, yours, &c.,