Letters To The Editor
Doctors of Divinity Snt—Only ignorance can excuse Mr. Ross Williamson's unfairness in calling Lambeth degrees " bogus." if he were familiar with our Oxford Statutes he would......
The Outlook In South Africa
Snt,—I should like to draw attention to the discrepancies which appeared in the Spectator of May 30th, under the heading of " Hitlerism in South Africa." Whilst the title of......
Sir,—the Rev. Hugh Ross Williamson's Reference To " Bogus...
leads on naturally to what constitute, if not suggestiones falsi, at least suppressiones yeti. I refer to certain entries in Crockford, which imply by such entries as "......
Critic Dramatists
Snt,—In his- review of Ross and the New Yorker Prof. Brogan was unfair - to dramatic critics. He describes Season in the Sun as "the only successful play by a dramatic critic......
Legalised Lotteries
SIR,—To one who is puzzled by the arguments against gambling on ethical grounds the letter of Mr. G. A. Sutherland is of interest. No doubt an undeveloped social sense is......
The Negev
SIR,—In April, 1939, yob published an article entitled Land for the Jews, advocating the development of the Negev for the relief of their distress; the idea was not taken up,......