SIR,—It was encouraging to hear recently that the Government had struck a blow against monopoly and the 'tied house' principle by banning 'solus' petrol stations from the new motorways.
Somewhat incongruously, however, on almost the same day a senior civil servant was opening a new public house on the Harraby housing estate in Car- lisle, thus extending the monopoly of tied houses which the State Management Scheme enjoys in this area. For the information of your readers this hous- ing estate already had one pub, in which only 'State' mild and bitter is available. It might have been thought reasonable for the inhabitants of this estate to have a choice of beer just as it has apparently been thought reasonable tor road-users to have a choice of petrol, but not so.
Carlisle is still singled out for this 'social experi- ment' which has now been running for forty-two years, and although our new pub doubtless has won- derful amenities we are still compelled, by order of the Government, to drink State beer and like it
Carlisle and District Licensing Reform League