11 JULY 1958, page 31

Spectator Crossworcif 1000

1 4 9 10 12, 13 Is 16 19 20 23 25 21 ACROSS The best divers don't make such a hit (6) Chief of the underworld at a low resort is put out (8) Go back to dress again? (6) i Is in......

Solution Of Crossword No. 998 Across.-1 Boscage. 5...

Light, 10 Riparian. 11 Twangs. 12 Meantime. 14 Rhoda. 15 Inviolate. 18 Lymphatic. 20 Tfith, 22 Long-term 24 Klncob. 26 Critiques. 27 Exact, 28 Menages. 29 Despair. DOWN. - 1......