11 JUNE 1831, Page 2

THE Rirso AND HIS COURT—On Saturday, their Majesties honoured the

annual regatta of the Eton boys with their presence. Even without the animating addition of such illustrious spectators, the scene would have been splendid and exhilarating. We need not say how much the real as well as expressed enjoyment of all parties was enhanced by the encouraging aspect of England's patriot King and virtuous Queen. On Wednesday, his Majesty visited St. James's, for the purpose of holding a levee ; when the fotlowing persons were introduced : His Majesty returned to Windsor in the evening. The next drawing- ' room, we perceive from the Gazette, will take place on the 24th, instead of the 23rd as at first intended.

Earl of Normanton, by Earl Howe. Dr. W. Ainslie, M.D., by Earl of Munster. Rev. J. Byron, by Lord Byron. Visct. Cole, by Lord Hill.

Mr. Oldmixon, Lieut. R.N. to present a copy of " Navy at Horne," dedicated by permission to his Majesty.

Sir G. Dashwood, by the Marquis of Ely. Rev. T. E. Tyler. Rector of St. Giles's,

by the Lord Bishop of London. Sir J. Maley, by Lord Petre.

Ron. Mr. Brodrick, Capt. Surry Yeo- manry, by Lord Arden. Rev. Dr. Cursham, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Lumley.

Sir J. Trollope, by the Mar. of Exeter., Mr C Hartopp, by Lord Henley. Mr. 0. S. Onley, by Visct. Maynard. Mr. T. S. Cocks, by the Right Hon. R.

P. Carew.

COL Chapman, Royal Engineers, Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order, by Baron Ompteda. Mr. Warburton, on his marriage, by Sir P. G. Everton.

Mr. Ashhurst, by the Earl of Maccles- ligyll.

Re V. Eden, by the Mar. of Hastings. Sir R. Brooke. by Mr. C. Wynn. Sir M. Bruce, by the Duke of Montrose. Sir T. Gooch, by Lord Goaford.

Mr. J. Kerr, by Sir J. S. Douglas. Mr. Hudson, M.P., by Sir E. Hamilton, Ban.

Hr. Cottrell, by the Earl of Verttlam.

Mr. Dehany, by the Lord Chancellor.

Mr. J. Poynder, to present his two ad- dresses, delivered at the East India House on the subject of Suttees and the Pilgrim Tax, by the Earl of Mun- ster.

Mr. T. Andrews, by his father.

Mr. Weyland. on his election as member for Oxfordshire, by Sir G. Anson. Rev. A. Montgomery, by Lord Montagu. Lieut -Colonel Vachell, Cambridgeshire

Militia, by the Earl of Hardwicke. Sir R. C. Pollock, Bart., by Major-Gen.


Mr. S. Cary, by Lord Stafford. Kingscote, by the Earl of Den- bigh.

Mr. Purcell, by the Earl of Fingal]. Col. Pemberton, Cambridgeshire Militia, by the Earl of Hardwicke.

Rev. Mr. Ford, by Lord Skelmersdale. Rev../. H. Parry, by Lord Byron. Fdaj.-Gen. L'Estrange, on his promotion and return from the Mauritius, byLord Hill.

Mr. Nixon, by Mr. Norton, Mr. Mills, by the Earl of Fife.

Mr. Hunbury, by Lord Althorp.

Rev. Professor Lee, on his appointment to the Regius Professorship of Hebrew at Cambridge, and as Domestic Chap- lain to the Earl of Munster, by the Duke of Sussex.

Mr. Kingston, by Admiral Sir H. Neale, Bart.

Mr. Leader. by Sir H. Baker. Maj.-Gen. Sir J. Brown, on his appoint- ment to be a Military Knight Com- mander of the Royal Guelphic Order, by Lord Hill.

Col. Lightfoot, on his appointment 83

Aid-de-camp to the King. by Lord Hill. Rev. E. W. Edgell, by his father, E. W. Edgell, Esq.

Mr. Tasburgh, by Visct. Downe.

Col, Ctistance, on appointment to com- mand the 9th Regt. by Lord Hill. Rev. R. C. Wilmot, by the Marquis of Hastings.

Mr F. Bedingfeld, by Sir H. Bedingfeld. Mr. Taytor, from Hanover, by Col. Kee. .. Admiral Sir R. Stopford, on receiving the - Grand Cross of the Bath. Lieut.-Col. Garrard, Madras Engineers (late Chief E ngi neer at Fort St. George) on his return from India, by Lieut.- Gen. Sir T. Bowser.

Admiral Sir El Trollope. on being ap- pointed Grand Cross of the Bath. Rear- admiral Sir H. Heathcote, on returning from abroad, by the Earl of Macclesfield.

Rev. T. H. Rawnsley, by Maj.-General Hardwicke.

Rev. Dr. Jones. by Lord Flowden. Lieut.-Col. Stisted, Srd or King's Own Light Dragoons, on promotion, by Lieut.-Gen. Lord G. Beresford.

Rev. E. B. Sparke, by the Bishop of Chichester.

Maj -Gen. Sir L. Smith, by Lord Hill. Maj.-Gen. Maister, be Lord Hill. Rev. E. Evans, by Lord Petre.

Maj.-Gen. r. P. Murray, C. B., by Gen. Lord Hill.

Rev. C. B. Rosenberg, by Lord A. Fitz- clarenee.

Maj.-Gen. Hanbury, by Lord Althorp. Rev. T. C. Glyn, by Visct. Maynard. Admiral Sir B. Carew, on being ap- pointed G.C.B.

Vice-Admiral Scott, by Sir J. Graham. Mr. F. Cottrell, 8th Madras Light Ca- valry, by Sir G. Anson.

Lieut -Col. Barnard, on promotion, by Sir A. Barnard.

Mr Holdsworth, by Governor Holds. worth.

Mr. H. Simpson, by Mr. B. Simpson. Mr. H. Arbuthnot, by LordH. Cholmon- deley.

Maj. Sandham, by Sir J. Kempt.

Maj Pytches, by Lord Arden. Capt. Sir G. S. Pasley, on his promo- tion, by Admiral Thompson. Capt. G. Roberts, RN., by Sir J. Gra- ham.

Capt. Portman, by Earl Dishy. Capt. Green, Cambridgeshire Militia, by the Earl of Elardtvicke.

Capt. Jeffreys, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir NV. Hutchinson.

Capt. H. Bloomfield, by Lord F. Fitz- clarence.

Capt. T. Bonner, by Lieut.-Gen. Riall. Capt. Lye, by Sir .1. Graham. Capt. .1. Lyons, R.N , on promotion and return from foreign service, by Sir J. Graham, Sari.

Capt. W. Locke. Royal Wilts Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry, by the Marquis of Lansdowne.

Capt. Paterson, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Keane.

Capt. J. Cook,by Sir J. Graham. Capt. Cathcart, R N., by Sir J. Graham. Capt. Westmacott, by Maj.-Gen. Bourke. Capt. Hope, on promotion, by Col.


Capt. Trollope, C.B., by Admiral Sir H. Trollope. Capt. tracy, by Sir E. Stracy, Bart. Capt. Bowlby, by Gen. Lord F. Somer- set.

Capt. Doyle, by Lord F. Fitzclarence. Lieut. Halsey, Surry Yeomanry, by Lord Arden.

Com.C. S. Timing. by Sir R. Otway. Corn. Boss, by Sir R. Stopford, K.C.B. Lieut. G. H. Cavendish, by Mr. Caven-


Capt. Anstruther, by Lord Harris. Capt. Gibson, on promotion, by Gen. Sir C. Dalbiac, K.C.H.

Capt. Green, by Maj.-Gen Sir J. Browne. Lieut. Carr, of the Rifle Brigade, by his

father the Bishop of Chichester. Lieut. Sandhsm, by Maj. sandham. Lieut. Willoughby. by Visct. Bereeord. Lieut. Blackiaton, by the Earl of Errol. Dr. A. T. Thomson, by Sir A. Bryce.