The Watering Places Of Great Britain.-parts I. And Ii. Of
a work under this title afford a favourable specimen by which to judge of the merit of the design. The plan combines the useful with the picturesque ; and it is proposed to give......
The Cosmorama.
THIS interesting little exhibition of Views, seen through the medium' of a magnifying-glass, has reopened with a change of subjects ; and comprises six striking scenes : the......
Among The Architectural Drawings, There Are Several...
SOANE'S-one of them for a new State Paper Office, a square edifice without a column ; views of the new hall building for the Goldsmiths' Company, by Mr. HARDWICK (949); Interior......
Fine Arts.
EXHIBITION OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY. (coNctinamp.) hand ; which accounts for his having contributed only this small beautiful picture ; it is a piece of true painting, and worthy of......
Letters On The Colonies.-no. Xi.
ADDRESSED TO VISCOUNT HOWICR, UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE COLONIES. Mv LORD--• 8th June 1831. "Fatten first; then teach ! The great question is-how may the poor creatures......
Mr. Wilkin Has Put Forth A Portrait Of Allan Cunningham,
of the size of life, drawn upon stone by himself, in a bold and decided style, in imitation of his elaborate crayon drawings of heads. As a likeness, the lower part of the face......