11 JUNE 1831, Page 20


THIS interesting little exhibition of Views, seen through the medium' of a magnifying-glass, has reopened with a change of subjects ; and comprises six striking scenes : the Pyramids and Sphynx-Mont Blanc -Edinburgh, by moonlight, with the effect of a fire, very cleverly managed-the interior of the cathedral of Cologne, with effects of light and shade, as in the Diorama-the Monastery of the Grand Chartreuse -Mont St. Gothard, with the Falls of the Reuss showing the effect of the waterfall and the spray rising, with the clouds in motion ; the latter is particularly well contrived, and has a very natural appearance. The colouring of some of the views is cold and unnatural, like the common French landscapes ; but the Grand Chartreuse is a cleverly painted and effective picture, as is also the interior of Cologne Cathedral. Altogether there is a considerable improvement evident in this series of views ; which form a very pleasing and instructive sight for children both young and old.