'The Company's Ship Winchelsea. for China, which put into Cork leaky, has reached the Downs on her return to Landon. The Marquis Camden, the last ship of the season, has arrived from China. The Thomas Grenville, for Bengal direct, was despatched last Saturday, and has put into Plymouth.
Arrived. At Gravesend, June 8111, Arethusa, late Johnson, from Singapore ; and Ulysses. Bully, from Mauritius 9th, Falcon, Cobb ; and 10th, Rosslyn Castle, Fergusson, from Mauritius. Off Margate, June 10th, Susan, Halliday, from Bengal. In the Doe ns,June 9th, Marquis of Hastings. Short ; and James Sibbald, Cole, from Bengal; Lady Feversham,Ellerby ; and Sir Edward Paget,Bouchier, from Bombay, , and Horatio Sparks, from 5Iauritius; 10th, Honourable Company's Ship Marquis Camden. Larkins, from China ; and Glenalvon, Rickaby. from Mauritius. Off Dartmouth, June 10th, Pyramus, late Cowan, from Singapore. At Liverpool, June : 7th, London, Huntley, from Bengal. At Madeira, May 18th, Ctesar, Watt, from Loudon fur Bengal. At St. Helena, April 2nd, Honourable Company's Ship Ann and Amelia, Richards, from China for Halifax ; 60, Sesestris, Yates, from Singa- pore ; 9th, Honourable Company's Ship General Kyd, Nairne, from London for Bombay and China ; 10th, Aleta, Gasgill, from England; 110, Greenock, Hunter, from Batavia ; 16th, Britannia, Ferris, from Mauritius. At the Cape, March 17th, Pretty Lass, Turner, from Liverpool ; and North Briton, Morrison, from Leith ; 30th, Ann, Touzel, from Liverpool; 23rd, Renown, Henderson ; 25th, Aurora, Owen ; and 26th, Diamond, Clark, from London. At Bombay, Jan. 22, Morning Star, Adler ; and 28th, Brunswick, Rosendale, front London,
Sailed. From Gravesend, 'June 23, Coldstream, Hall, for China and Halifax ; 3d, Mangles, Carr, for ditto. 4th, Lotus, Sunamerson, for Van Diernetes Land. 5th, Honourable Company's Ship Thomas Grenville, Shea, for Bengal. 7th, Morley. Douglas, for Ceylon Lind Madras. 90, Lord Amherst, Hicks, tor Bombay ; and -Olive Branch, Anderson, for the Cape. From Liverpool, June 1, Albion, Macleod; and 9th, Cordelia, Weaver; for Bengal.
Spoken. Honourable Company's Ship, Buckinghamshire, from London for Bom- bay and China, 1st March, 14 south, 29 west. Honourable Company's Ship War- ren Hastings, from London for St. Helena and China, 23d April, 2 north, 21 west. The Honourable Company's Ship Marquis Huntly, from London for Bombay and • China, was seen by the Buckinghamshire on the 25th February.