11 JUNE 1831, Page 8

FROM THE 1.0NDON GAZETTES. Tuesday, June 7.


HAM and Co. Stoke Saint Mary, Somersetshire, hop-planters—CAVE and HAN- cocx, Bristol, pawnbrokers—HEAP and EDWARDS, Manchester, cotton-spinners•■• HARGRAVE and THEOBALD, Bishopsgate Street Without, linen-drapers—Vroues and SMITH, Cwm Avon Works. Glamorganshire, merchants.—REDMAIV and Co. Lime Street, ship-brokers—Cox Dild CO. Oxford, bankers ; as far as relates to It. F. Cox.—CHAPPELL and WOOD, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen—Tao:des and AUSTIN, Ebenezer Place, Commercial Road, tailors—RANDALL and Sass. -"MAW, Burlington • Arcade, Piccadilly, jewellers—J. and W. THOMAS, Hereford, iecrachsbuilders—Gern0 and Moo NTFOR V, New Sarum, Wiltshire, linen-drapers s—ToLsos: and LADYMAN. Liverpool, lamp-manufacturers—THOMAS and MANLxv, Vherediteh, surgeons—COWAN and SETE'S, Glasgow, manufacturers.


A La x AXnx R, Is RASE, Chiswell Street, stable-keeper. HOUL1STON, Gsoit Gs ORD, Illandford-Fornm, Dorsetshire, grocer. BANKRUPTS. • AMMER. Ttion A s, Montreal, North America, merchant, to surrender June 24, 28, July 19: solicitor, Mr. Smith, East Cheap. BA RTRAM. THOMAS, Warwick, slater. June 16, 17, July 19 solicitors, Mr. Eldred, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; and Mr. Kitchin, Burford, Warwick. . DELCOUR, HENRY, Pall Mall, auctioneer, June 10, 17, July 19: solicitor, Mr.

Rye, Golden Square. EVELEIGH, THOMAS, Maidstone, grocer, June 17, 21, July 19: solicitor, Mr.

Smyth, Furnival's Inn. FEARNSIDE, WILLIAM Gamr, Haydon Street, Blinories, agent, June 17, 21, July 19 : solicitor, Mr. Young, Mark Lane. FE LLOWES, THOMAS, Aldersgate Street, broker, June 10, 17, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Lothbury. FLOWER, BENJAMIN, High Street, Newington Butts, ironmonger, June 14, 21, July 19 solicitors, Messrs. Kearsey and. Hughes, Lnthbury. GRIFFITHS, THE.OPHILUS, late of Newcastle Elmyn, Carmarthenshire, tanner,

June 20, 91, July 19: solicitors' Messrs. Goren and Nation, Orchard Street, Port-

. man Square; and Mr. Evans, Newcastle Elmyn. . BAND Lsy, SAMPSON. late of Sandon, Staffordshire, flint-grinder, June 29, 30, D July 19: solicitors, Messrs. as and Bicknell, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Brookes, Stafford. norms, JOSEPH, Beeston, Nottinghamshire, lace-manufacturer, June 20, 21, July 19: solicitors. Mr. Enfield, Raymond's Buildings, Gray's Inn ; and Messrs. Enfield and Son, Nottingham.

HUNT, TuomAs, Nicholas Lane, merchant, June 14, 17, July 19 : solicitor, Mr. Stedman, Throgmorton Street.

LEA, Joust, Braun:ton, Northamptonshire. coal-merchant, June 13, 14, July 18: isolicitors, Messrs. Wimburn anti Co. Chancery Lane; and Mr. Gery,,Daventry. LEVERETT, WILLIAM, Harwich, cabinet-maker, June 20, 21, July 19: solici- tors, Messrs. Bromley, Gray's Inn Square ; and Mr. Jackman, Ipswich. LIVERMORE, EDWIN MARTIN, Old Bread Street, merchant, June 14, 21, July 19: solicitor. Mr. Bickerton,-Barnard's Inn, Holborn. Local:, HENRY, Islington, linen-draper, June 14, 21, July 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Hardwick and Guest, Lawrence Lane. Cheapside.

. MAY, NI CH OL'ASi Albion Terrace, White Horse Lane, Mile End Old Town, sur- veyor, June 10, 17, July 19: solicitor, Mr. Murphy, Castle Alley, Royal Exchange. PATTERSON, JOHN, Arbour Square, Commercial Road, victualler, June 17,24, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Vandercom and Co Bush Lane.

ROBERTS, ELIZA, Pall Mull East, lodging-house-keeper, June 10, 17, July 19: solicitor, Mr. Crumble, Suffolk Street, Pali Mall. Russ ELL, JAMES, Aucoats, near Manchester, cotton.thread-manufacturer, June 22, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Morris and Owen, Spring Gardens, Manchester. Wool), WILLIAM, Kirbymoorside. Yorkshire, innkeeper, June 20, 21, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard ; and Mr. Fetch, Kirbymoorside. DIVIDENDS.

June 28, Chapman, Greek Street, Soho. draper—June 28, Tobias, late of Rat- cliffe Highway, furrier—June 28, Turner, Great Dover Road, carver—June 28, 'James, Minories, woollen-draper—June 28, Best, Noble Street, City, ironmonger— June 28, Fyne, Garrett Lane, Wandsworth, and Borough Road, dyer—June 30, Old- ham, Stockport, Cheshire, innkeeper—June 39, Clayton, Mottram in Longdendale, Cheshire, shopkeeper—June 0, Hunt, New Mills, Glossop, Derbyshire, cotton-spin- ner—July 4. Brown jun., Leeds, merchant—July 9, Rickaby, late of Craike, Dur- ham, inn-keeper.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or be/'ore June 28. Gray, Manchester, wine and spirit merchant — Lamb, Liverpool, saddler— Warner, George Street, Adelphi, coal-merchant—Mallalieu, late of Gig Mill, Hali- fax, Yorkshire, cotton-spinner—Spittle, Francis Street, Tottenham Court Road, horse-dealer—Hideout, Woolwich, Innkeeper — Roawell, James Street, Covent 'Garden, linen draper—Hankeyjun., Mincing Lane, West India broker.

Friday, June 10.


SLATER and Co. the Hague, wine-merchants—ARMSTRONG and M'Exo, Exeter, drapers—TOULMIN and DUNLOP, ship-brokers—Joel-INC andCo. Addingham, York- shire, grocers —G a& ss and ERSSER, Meard's Street, Soho, house-painters—CAM ',- BELL and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn-merchants—W. and J. WADE, Liverpool, grocers-0 w EN and HARRIS, Manchester, silk-printers—K rLsn A W and KENYON, Garstang, Lancashire, cotton-spinnerS—Pearty and EceLos, Minety, Gloucester- shire, soap-boilers—KKELisro and Nxcx, Lime Street, attarnies—Tuortxs and SPENCER, Sherborne, Dorsetsbire, iron-merchants—Pros and HALES, Bethnal 'Green. pawnbrokers—STANGER and UNDERWOOD, 01,1 Street Road, watch-makers —ROBBERDS and SONS, Norwich, manufacturers; as far as regards C. A. ROB- MERDS—J. and T. H. CARDWELL and Co. Manchester, cotton.spinners—JANSON and C OVENT y, Bull Head Passage, Wood Street, Cheapside, warehousemen—Fs a- nu sso:s and Co. Glasgow, warehousemen.


THACEERAY, JOHN, Manchester, cotton-spinner. BANKRUPTS.

BEAUCnA51g, JOHN, Holborn, silversmith, to surrender June 14,21, July 22: soli- citor, Mr. Gresham, Barnard's Inn, Holborn.

DAv 1ES, Ross, Kingston-upon-Hull, bookseller, June 17, 24, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Taylor, Cloak Lane.

HARRIS, WILLIAM, Hampton, shopkeeper, June 17, 24, July 22: solicitor. Mr. Burgess, Queen Street, May Fair.

HARVEY, JA m Es, Dartford, Kent, timber-merchant, June 17, 21, July 22 : solici- tors, Messrs. -Kirkman and Rutherford, Cannon Street.

LAUGHTON, ions:, Bishop's Yard, Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, wine-mer- chant, June 17, 21, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Gale, Basingliail Street.

MACDONELL, Root NALL:, Suffolk Street, Pall Mail, wine-merchant, June 17;21, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Poole, Southampton Street.

• III'LELLAte, Jon N, Regent Street, Marylebone, tailor, June 17, 91, July 22 : solici- tor, Mr. Harris, Bruton Street, Berkeley Square.

• MiLroi ao. JOHN, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, painter and glazier, June 17,23, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Brunswick Square.

NOVERRE, GEORGE RICHARD, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, ship-broker, June 21, 24, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Stedman, Throgmorton Street.

SMITH, CHRISTOPHER CHARLES, Chorlton Ron-, Lancashire, victualler, June 27, 20, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Thompson and Walker, King Street, Manchester.

STONES RIDGE, JAMES, Wivenhoe, Essex, corn-merchant, June 29, 30, July 22: solicitors, Mr. Moberly, Colchester ; and Messrs. 'Forbes and Hales, Ely Place.

WATKINS, WIL L ram, Shoreditch, grocer: Jtirie 17, 94,July 22 : solicitors, Messrs. Bartlett and Beddome, Nicholas Lane, Lombard Street.

Wit:Lows, WILLIAM 'and SAMUEL, Strand, fishmongers, June 14, 17, July 22: Solicitors, Messrs. Fitzgerald and Son, Lawrence Pountney Hill. WOOLSEY, Jong. and SECKER, JOHN, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, wine-mer- chants, June 22, 23, July 22: solicitors, Mr. Clowes, Great Yarmouth ; and Mr. • Lythgoe, Essex Street, Strand. " ' ' ' - DIVIDENDS.

July 1, Brown, Old KeneRoad, victualler—July I, Turtill, Regent Street, fancy- warehouseman—Aug. 96, Chapman, Strachan Terrace, Islington, builder—July 1, Vandrant, Brewer Street, Golden Square, engraver—June 24, Delisser, Judd Street, Brunswick Square, apothecary—June 28. A. Robe, Bristol, merchant—June 22, J. Robe, Bristol, merchant—July 5. Roscoe and Co. Liverpool, bankers—July I, Makin, Liverpool, merchant—July 12, Glover, Wigan, draper—July 2, Waton, Old- .ham, cotton-spinner—July I, Freame, Worcester, cabinet-maker.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before July I. Whitlock, Iron-gate Wharf, Paddington, timber-merchanfPlatt, Liverpool, inn. Ireeper—Birch, Oxford Street, pastry-cook—Francis, Wandsworth, schoolmaster- Cussons, sea. Manchester, •cotton-spinner—Baradell, Snienton, Nottinghamshire, Kirton-in.Lindsey,.Lincolnshire, draper.

• SCOTCH SEQUESTRATION. XING, WILLIAM, Large, Edinburgh, distiller, June 13,28.