JuerE 9.—This day the fallowing degrees were conferred. Bachelors in Civil Law —Rev. 8.11. Perkins, Christ Church; S. V. Suttees, University. illasters of Arts— T. F. Dy-mock, Balliol, Grand Compounder ; J. J. Scott, Exeter, Grand Com- pounder; H. D. Wickham, A. C. Bridge, Exeter ; T. J. 'reining. Chris: Church ; R. Greenall, T. J. Birch, Rev. J. F. E. Warburton, Rev. J. F. West, Brasennose; D. Sewell, Trinity ; Rev. W. Severne, Rev. J. 0. W. ilaWeis, Rev. T. 0. Foley, Queen's; Rev- W. :,yins, Wadham ; Rev. J. Sutton, Oriel; J. teilliansson, New College ; W. Netileshili, Merton ; J. Gregson, University. Each-!ors of Arts—W. F. Beshell, Wertheim ; H. G. Surtees, -A. E. Knox, Brasennose ; W. Graham, F. Moore, Christ Church ; E. L. Ward, Wadham ; J. Todd, Queen's ; W. Getty, Trinity; W. Money. Oriel; S. T. Adams, J. It. Hughes, Fellows of New College ; B. Wightwiek, Scholar of Pembroke. On Tuesday last, the Rev. W. 11. R.. Mitchell, DI. A. was admitted Actual Fel- low of Trinity College.
The judges of the Theological Prize having awarded it to B. Harrison, B.A. Student of Christ Church, the Essay was this day read before the University in the Divinity School.
The following subjects are proposed fer the Chancellor's prizes, for the ensuing year.—For Latin verse—" Attila." For an English essay—" The Study of different Languages, as it relates to the Philosophy of the Human Ailed." For a Latin essay —" Be Stoicoruin Discipline." Sir Roger Newdigate's prize English verse— .1 Staffa."
Theological Prize—On "The Fulness of Time" at which Christ appeared on Earth.
The following gentlemen of this University were on Friday, the 3d inst. admitted of the University of Cambridge, ad miaow :—The Rev. T. L. Cursham, D.C.L. of Lincoln College; the Rev. W. D. Conybeare, M.A. of Christ Church ; and C. Tyell, M.A. of Exeter College. On Monday last, Mr. Sprenger, Commouer of Exeter College, was elected a Scholar of that Society.
On Thursdaylast, Mr. Levy, of Exeter College, and Ale-Jackson, of Queen's Col- lege, were elected Scholars on the Old Foundation at Queen's College. On the same day, Mr. W. Scott was elected an Exhibitioner on Mr. Alichees Foundation at Queen's College. The names of those Candidate]] who are admitted by the Public Examiners into the four Classes of Discipliner illathonaticer et Physic, according to the alphabetical arrangement in each Class prescribed by the statute, stand as follow: First (tots.— T. D. Ackland. Christ Clinech ; C. Balston, Corpus Christi College; W. Boyd, Uni- versity College ; B.. Browne, St. John's College ; A. Perkins, Oriel College; '1'. Sim- cox, Needham College. Second Class.—G. Kempe, Exeter College; B. Randall, Queen's College; R. Wilson, Os iel College. Third Cluss.—H. Moncrieff, New col- lege • J. Ri I:hurtle, Corpus Christi College. Four th C Goslin, Magdalen Hall ; A. F. M'Geachy, Ballot College. Examiners.—B. Powell, R. Walker, A.P.Saunders.
. JUNII 10.—At a Congregation on Wednesday last, Professor Henslow, of St. John's College, and the Rev. H. Calthrop, M.A., of Corpus Christi College, were ap- pointed Deputy Proctors.
TRINITY COLLEGE EXAMINATION.—Alphabetical list of the first classes. Senior Sophs—IIamilton, Hawtrey, Heath, Webster, West. Junior Soplis—E. Banbury, Bottler, Brown, Caton, Feachem, Fowler, Hankinson, Kemplay, Loder, Phelps, Wright. Freshmen—lih ks, Donaldson, Forsyth], Gooch, E. Hoare, A. elouitens, Johnstone, Leathley, Marsh, Munson, 0.P. Phillips, Pryor, Selwyn, Ste- venson, W. 1). Watsou, 'Fright.