11 JUNE 1836, Page 8

The Lieutenant-Governorship of Granada has become vacant, by the decease

of Lieutenant-Colonel Mair, K. II.

Sir Charles Vaughan, for many years our Ambassador in the United States, has retired on his diplomatic pension.

The Gazette of Tuesday contains the appointment of the Earl of Errol to be Lord-Lieuterant of Aberdeenshire, and of Lord Ludlow to be Colonel of the thirty-eight Foot ; both in the room of the late Duke of Gordon.

Mr. John APNeill, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Penipoten- tiary to the Court of Persia, set out on Sunday evening for Paris, on his way to Tehran.

The Oxford Herald of Saturday says—" It has been confidently reported in the University this day, that the Dean of Salisbury (Dr. Pearson) will the new Bishop, and that Dr. Hampden will succeed to the Deanery of Salisbury." The Bishop of London's serious relapse was occasioned by one of his horses having been taken with the "staggers," which so affrighted Mrs. Blonifield, that his Lordship stopped the carriage, and in his exertions to extricate her, exposed himself to a cold north wind, that struck to the abdomen, and created fresh inflammatory action. His Lordship continues in a very precarious state.—Morniny Chronicle.

It is reported that his Majesty will exercise his right of determiring the abeyance of the baronies of Beauchamp and Alandant in favour of One Dutelless of Bedford. It is a retnatkuble circumstance that the llotte of Russell has no second Peerage in the family; which this would obviate, as her Grace's eldest son, Lord C. Russell, would suc- ceed her in the title.—Morning Paper.

Mrs. Norton, by her union with the Honourable George Chapple Norton, brother and heir presumptive to Lord Grantley, has three sons, the eldest of whoa), Cavendish Charles Conyers, is in his eighth year. The father of Mr. Norton arid of Lord Grantley was the Honourable Fletcher Norton, a Baron of due Exchequer in Scotland, who died in 1820. Mr. Norton and his brothers and sisters were granted the precedency of children of a Baron in 1831. Lady Grantley is daughter of the venerable Sir William Beechey.