In The Court Of Common Pleas, On Monday, Sir John
Campbell showed cause against a rule for the is g of a commission to examine in Dublin an important witness in the cause of Norton versus Mel.- bourne. The witness in question......
Cbe Airtropoitg.
The Committee of the City of London Reform Club have pub- lished a satisfactory report of their proceedings during the past year. " To increase. protect, and l enity the......
The Surry Tories Celebrated The Anniversary Of Their...
on Wednesday, by dining together at the Horns Tavern, Kennington. Sir Edward Sugden and the Marquis of Chandos were the principal orators of the evening. The company consisted......
Ibetattiait Roreetringi In Fiatliament.
I. IRISH MUNICIPAL REFORM. Lord JOHN RUSSELL, on Thursday. sailed the attention of the EOM. of Commons to the alteration of the Lords in the Irish Muni- cipal Bill He commenced......
Ebr Cottrt.
THE King and Queen arrived at St. James's Palace, from Windsor, on Wednesday. The King held a Levee, which was attended by most of the Foreign Ambassadors, the principal......
The Rewards Adjudged By The Society Of Arts During The
present Session, were presented to the respective candidates, on Tuesday, at the Hanover Square Rooms, by Sir Edward Codrington ; who acted as Chairman in the absence of the......