srcic Exciimeoz, FRIDAY AFTERNOON.
We have very li o
ttle to report this week : indeed, the operations of the. mat ket have been upon an unusually confined scale, and the fluctuations either in English or Foreign Funds have not been such as to call for any remark. Money has continued abundant. The exportations of gold to the United States have almost entirely ceased ; and hence one of the causes of alarm to the Bank Directors has been removed. By the recent adviees from New York, it appears that the question of the clinency occupies the public attention to the exclusion of almost every other to tic, and seems to he debated with about as much ingenuity and temptr as ch tracterized the discussion of the same qtteition here previous to the return to cash payments. Some very unjustifiable means appear to have been used by the parties interested in the form ditto of b inks af issue, to influence the mem- bers for the Local Assemblies, and thereby obtain charters for their esta- blishments. One of our contemporaries him s indulged in some severe and not unmerited remarks upon the conduct of all the patties concerned in these nefa- rious transactions ; but we cannot join the Times in its indignation without at the same time recolleeting, that if the history of the made in which Private Bills ate conducted in the Imperial Parliament should become generally known, the severe remarks alluded to would be found to apply on both sides of the Atlantic. The Spanish .Stock has been unustailly steady ; the fluctuation since our last report not havir .• exceeded per cent. The last advices from Madrid are favourable. The capital :Ind provinces were tranquil. The financial embar- rassments of the Government, and the inaction to which the army is con. demned by the absence of General CoanovA in Madrid, have tended to keep down the priced the Stock. Several small purchases on foreign account have occurred ; and hence a rumour has arisen of an immediate intervention by France. The Railway Share Mat ket has been in a torpid state ; the only fluctuation which occurred being in the rival Brighton lines. It was anticipated that the decision of the Committee would have been tniule this week, but such has not been the case.
Rumour of a dissolution of Parliament has been current (hither the last few days; and has operated unfavourably upon the shares of those Companies the bills for which ate now pending.
The latest iiilvices from Brazil do not give so favourable a report of the opera- tions of the Mining Coinpany at Congo Soeo as previously; and the shales of the Imperial Company have consequently declined more than half the last ad- vance. The Bolanos continue firm; as do also the Real del Alonte.
Scarcely any thing has occurred licre this morning. and all descriptions of Stock are at yo,tei day's prices. The Rail way Shires are also unmoved : the followiug are the (Flotations of those which are most current. Brighton 12 13; Birmingham and Derby 45; ditto Gloucester 84 4; Great Western 25 27 ; Ditto and Cheltenham 1 2; Greenwich 5 6 ; Southampton 56 61; North Mid- land 7 8; lb istol and Exeter I 2; South Eastern 2 3 ; Eastern Counties k I; Northern amid Eastern j li; London Grand Junctioa 6 IA.
Consols close at i per cent. bighret dm in the morning. Spanish Stock is lisa iit a slight improvement ; hut no business of any consequence has been transacted this afternoon. The Railway Shares are nominally at the morning's .11201AtiO01.
4, per Cent. CODA0111
Ditto for Account Vew 34 per Cent. Anus Bank Stock WO* Stock Exchequer Bills Belgian Spec Cents
Brazilian Spec Cents
Assiish ass Ceuta-. ..
1... shut Dutch 24 per Cents. 564 7 911 French 3 per Cents — .. shot Mexieatt 6 per Cents. 33 34 — Portuguese 3 per Cents. 594 34 shut Do. Regency 5per Cent 1414 4 14 am. liuesiau„ 1C29, 5 per Cent. 1094 104 , .. 101t 24 Spanish. 1831,5. per Cent 404 * 864 7 Ditto, Deferred 181 19 .. .. 764 Ditto. Passive 124