11 JUNE 1836, Page 8

The system of legislation on Private Bills is becoming every

day more intolerable. The conduct of the Committee originally appointed on the Aberdeen Schools Bill in coining to a vote that the preamble was not proved, directly in opposition to evidence, was so obviously un- just, that the House adopted the strong measure of recommitting this useful and important bill ; but Mr. Bannerman has again been unsuc- cessful. The English Tories, headed by Lord Chandos, Mr. Bonham, Mr. Gladstone, &e. and under the superintending care of of Sir George. Clerk, mustered in such numbers on Monday, that they have thrown. out the bill.—Courier.

The new Factory Bill will not be pressed further, ,Totwithstanding r. the support which it met with in its first stages from the it-:1de of the

opposite parties. We presume that the general feeling which exists, both in and out of the House, against withdrawing protection even from young persons who have missed through the first period of child- hood, is considered by the members of Government as not counter- balanced by such a case of urgent neeessity for the proposed measure as had at first been represented to call for it.—Globe.

The following is the quarterly return of the assets and liabilities of the Bunk of England, from the 8th of March to the 31st of May, inclusive.


Circulation £18.051.noo Securities .. £26 534,000

Deposits 13.273,000 Bullion 7,663,000

X31,324,0°0 J £34,197,000 Letters have been received in town which :mention the release of Mr. Churchill, the English gentleman so shamefully ill-used by the Tur:iish authorities at Constantinople.

By the arrivals from America to the 5th ult., the first double sheet of one of the United States papers, the Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, has been received. It is a larger paper by three inches each way than any newspaper published in this metropolis, containing about '2376 inches of superficial printing. It contains not less than 2094 advertisements. We shall be happy to show a copy of this enormous sleet to Mr. Spring Rice. —Morning Post.

It is seriously apprehended that Prince Talleyrand is on the point of closing his career. His family and friends have been summoned around him in all haste ; and amongst the number the Princess de Lieven and the young Duke de Dino. An omnibus is about being shipped from London for Athens ; which, no doubt, will astonish the inhabitants of that ancient city. Gas apparatus is shipping in the London Docks for Constantinople, for the purpose of lighting with gas a part of that capital—Post.

England having been deprived of her champion by the death of the lamented Mr. M‘Dorinell, M. Des Cbapelles has ventured to challenge any player of the United Kingdom to play a match of eleven or t wenty- one games, and offers to give the pawn and two moves : the stake pro- posed is 250/. or 500/. The Westminster Chess Club, which was in 1834 the scene of action in the grand matches between M. De la Boor- dorinais and Mr. M‘Donnell, has again named MM. des Chapelles, De hi Bourdonnais, and St. Arnant, being honorary members of that Club.