On Monday night, after Lord Palmerston's refusal to explain_ the
proceedings of the Conference, the Conservatives complained; : justly enough, of the treatment of the Government, Wlicl
tee- assuring the House that the Conference was to be based on . the principle of the " integrity " of the Danish dominions, bad,' ACT:. cording to every authentic account, themselves propoied the disiu tegration. Mr. Osborne said that the real object of the Conference was "to maintain the integrity of the Treasury Bench,' to vent the dismemberment, not of Denmark, but of Her Majesty's Ministers. Mr. Disraeli said that the forbearance of the house Commons went on the hypothesis that they knew and were -,natisS. fled with the principle of the Conference, -will-ch had no proper apfali.:-: cation now that that principle had been totally changed. He himself, however, threw out, as he has done before, hints of Strongly • Germanizing tendencies: He described the policy of "stirring up a European war in order to Maintain the integrity of Denmark" as; in his opinion, "a most dangerous but at least a candid policy,"— though he-reviled the Government for abandoning it,—a central position from which Mr. Disraeli can strike out into the path of either war or peace, as occasion may suggest. He at least is not more to be trusted in the matter than Lord Palmerston.