The Laws Of Marriage And Divorce In The Form Of
a Code. By A. Waddilove, D.C.L. (Longman and Co.)—Marriage is a very interesting subject to a great number of people, and they may learn all about it in this little volume. The......
An Elementary Text - Book Of The Miscroscope. By J. W....
M.D., F.L.S. (John Van Voorst.)—One of the numerous works called forth by the taste for microscopic investigation which has become popular of late. It is mainly devoted to the......
Anecdotes Of Heraldry. By C. N. Elwin, M.a. (bell And
Dahly.)—All sciences have their votaries, those which are obsolete are honoured by devotees. Mr. Elwin is one of the devotees of heraldry. It is a study which in his judgment......
Memoir Of Robert Alfred Vaughan. By Robert Vaughan, D.d....
and Co.)—Dr. Vaughan has reprinted the memoir, which he prefixed to the two volumes of his son's essays published in 1858, shortly after his death, with additions. Certainly the......
Phases Of - Life, In Memoriam, And Other Poems. By Thomas
Reid. (John Machuan.)—The preface to those poems is so modest and sensible that we heartily wish we could speak more favourably of them. They are the composition of a thoughtful......
Middle - Class Atlas. By Walter M'leod, F.r.g.s.,...
Co.).—A small cheap atlas, intended for candidates for the Oxford Local Examinations, and therefore marking very clearly the coast linos, the mountain chains, the river courses,......
Letter To The Earl Of Malmesbury On The...
By "Germanicns Vindex." (Daily Post Steam Printing Works, Liver- pooL)—The author first points out that Ring Christian has no claim to the Crown of Denmark, except as the......
The History Of The World Front The Earliest Records To
the Present Time. By Philip Smith, BA. Vol. I Ancient History. (Walton and Ma- berly.)—The first of the eight volumes of which this work is to consist is now before the 'world.......
Second To None. By James Grant. (routledge, Warne, And Rout-
ledge.)—This novel is rightly named, for it is second to none of the author's previous efforts. There is the same easy narrative of dashing adventure, and the same life-like......
The Chess Congress Of 1862. (h. G. Bohn.)—herr Lowenthal...
butes to this handsome volume a collection of the games played and a se- lection of the problems sent in for competition, with careful critical notes. Mr. Medley, the secretary......