The Laws of Marriage and Divorce in the Form of
a Code. By A. Waddilove, D.C.L. (Longman and Co.)—Marriage is a very interesting subject to a great number of people, and they may learn all about it in this little volume. The information is not put in an attractive, but In very concise and clear form, so that it may "be read and understanded of the people." The authorities are suppressed, so that the book may be inexpensive. As an attempt at codification the book has also a special interest for jurists, but Dr. Waddilove has been compelled to leave hi* subject incomplete. The practice and procedure of divorce is still branch of the law in a state of transition, and law in a state of transition is not fit for codification. If so, the first step towards codifying the law of England would be the adjournment of Parliament for ten years, or at least to compel it to confine itself to voting the necessary supplies. The law of Scotland and Ireland is not dealt with—for certainty cannot be said to have been reached in either of those countries. In England a marriage suit almost always tarns on a dis- pute as to matters of fact.