There is an official account of a great success of
General Cameron's in New Zealand, and an unofficial account from Melbourne of an Eng- lish reverse. The success is important-. Brigadier-General Carey had on the 31st March forced the rebel position at .Axahan, after two days' operations, the Maories retreating with a loss of 101 killed and 33 prisoners. Our loss was 16 killed and 42 wounded. General CallIETOLI on the 5th April had found the Mangatantari position on the Upper Waikato abandoned by the *natives, and that they had retreated up the right bank of the river. The rumour of defeat is dated Melbourne, 25th April, and says that two severe engagements had occurred at Maungatawhiri and Tarachi, the former a victory, the latter a "reverse." "The English loss in killed and wounded in both engagements amounted to 80." Mr. Cardwell said in the House of Commons that he has had no sort of corroboration of this defeat.