On Ftiday, the 3rd inst., a debate occurred, too late
for our issue, upon Naval pay,..which brought out a strong remonstrance from M. Gladstone. Sir L. Palkyanted to pay Masters a little
higher, whereupon all the Naval men in the Ileuse of coursementi- lated their pet ,pecuniary grievances. The Chancellor of the Exchequer administered a well-deserved reprimand to the House for its passion for increasing expenditure. At this very moment. there is a rush for naval cadetships which the Duke of. Somerset cannot satisfy, yet the House is always clamouring for higher pay, and one party threatens a persistent agitation. "On the other hand, he received every day applications from persons who. prayed for exemption from taxes, and, told. piteous stories of poverty ; but it was his duty to say in all these eases, The law; must take Recourse." There really appears to be an idea among- some members that there is-an ideal standard of wages which the country is bound to adhere to, that if, John will serve for a.pound, a day, and Tom wants two, the country ought to offer thirty shillings, and then leave them to straggle. As the Economist said last week, cheapness is a quality just as much as any other kind of efficiency.