CROSSWORD 862: Anyone for tennis? by Mass
A first prize of 120 and two further prizes of 110 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first three correct solutions opened on 27 June. Entries to: Crossword 862, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.
2 3 10 15 16 11
3 14 18 20
23 21 24 25 1128 31 32
34 38 1 37
39 40 41 4
The italic terms provide lights, Name Address
synonyms or hints for their respective
.......... .. .. ..........
Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service. ACROSS
1 Net (6)
5 Distinction made by men, nice point (8) 10 Singles (14) 11 Eastern king's short name (4) 13 This type has appeal to a girl no end (6) 16 Preserve metal duct (5) 17 Cockney cad's fish (3) 19 Trout Sara grilled, such as fills to capacity (9) 20 Match (7) 23 Spectators (8) 24 Nick metal audibly (5) 25 Some stronger upthrust's needed to break forth (5) 27 Game (8) 30 Soreness in gut making one lie, sit, awkwardly (7) 33 It could be fatal if one's in pile-up of ten bikes (9) 35 Ball (3) 37 Doubles (5) 38 Deed 'e's to boast about (6) 39 Fault (4) 40 Spritely state, once, from quality of alcohol (14) 41 Set (8) 42 What's the point breaking male's former vow? (6) DOWN
1 Spy's changed Red's mind? (6)
2 Service (12, two words) 3 Smelly lot, ragged without mea- sure (5) 4 Former champion wearing palm in the old country (6)
5 Advantage (4)
6 Imitative male I encountered in charge (7) 7 Beings in feral state, first of species (7) 8 African, see, embracing the Ita- lian (6) 9 Ring televiewer, ultimately, in- volved in faulty licence (8) 12 Removes masts with rising re- sentment in a French ship (7) 14 One final song for Scotsman (8)
15 Singles (12) 18 Deuce (8, two words)
21 Doubles (7) 22 Judge again and fine again (8) 26 Three-lobed ornament, odd trifle, worn by love (7) 28 Look about in shed for clip (7) 29 Progressed quickly above detec- tives in rank (6) 31 Pass (6) 32 Having bristles with points on odd toes (6) 34 Measures boundaries (5) 36 Lad, we hear, makes mark at sea (4)