11 JUNE 1988, page 29

Currant Affairs

Sir: Christopher Fildes (City and sub- urban, 28 May) cited correctly T.S. Eliot's original Waste Land note: 'The currants were quoted at a price carriage and insur- ance free......

Cambridge Communists

Sir: Mr Wheatcroft's account of why intel- lectuals were glamourised by Stalin (Murderous charm', 28 May) omits one factor of some significance. Why did those eminent communists......

Rings True

Sir: could I tell Jonathan Cecil (Books, 21 May) something else that has a 'Wodehousian ring to it'? The snappy LETTERS character judgment that he attributed to John Le......

Attacks In Israel

Sir: I refer to the article 'Eyeless in Gaza' by A. N. Wilson (9 April). Mr Wilson makes a number of allega- tions concerning what he calls 'the very anti-Christian bias of the......

Sir: May One Who Was There And An Active Participant

in the communist ferment in Cambridge University from 1936 to 1940 comment on Geoffrey Wheatcroft's article on Philby. Accepting that Philby was a traitorous rascal, it......