The first division of the Baltic fleet is ready for sea—indeed, may have sailed before these pages reach our nearest readers. Portsmouth is crammed to excess, and the excursion-trains fill it so full that little short of famine seemed to threaten ! Yesterday the Queen passed through the fleet, on her way to Osborne. The weather was hazy ; but no sooner had the twenty "wooden walls" at their moorings fired a heavens-rending salute, than the sun burst forth—as it were to salute England and her Queen. Today, her Majesty would formally inspect the fleet—weather permitting—and perhaps lead the great ships to sea, as it is generally understood they would start for the Baltic about noon. The ships mount 1047 guns, are manned by 10,251 men, and propelled by steam-power of 6970 horses.
The Royal proclamation against building or fitting out ships in her Ma- jesty's dominions for the service of Foreign Powers appears in the Gazette of last night.