Felr 'natal
After sundry little attempts at originality, our managers find them- selves driven back to their established source of novelty—the theatres of Paris. The trifling splutter about......
Topics Of The Day.
THE TWO FLAGS. "IT is best," says Mrs. Malaprop, "to begin with a little aver- sion"; and from an nn pleasing commencement it would appear as if France and England were about to......
' The Sacred Harmonic Society Have Published Their Annual...
; which exhibits a prosperous condition of affairs. The number of sub- Scribers continues progressively to increase : in 1851 it was 642 ; in 1862, 750 ; in 18.53, 838. The......
Parisian Theatricals.
An event has occured in Paris which shows the anxiety of the French Government to maintain a friendly understanding with this country. A military spectacle, just produced at the......
The Philharmonic Concerts Began On Monday Last. The...
that the Society are adhering to the plan they have generally followed, of confining the selections to the classic works of the great masters when there are no new productions......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE ' FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The transactions in Government Securities have been more numerous during the present than the preceding week, and prices have taken a wider......