STOCK EXCHANGE' FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The transactions in Government Securities have been more numerous during the present than the preceding week, and prices have taken a wider range. Consols have fluctuated between 90/1 and ma. The financial pro- posals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Monday night gave satisfac- tion, as showing no probability of a new creation of Stock ; and the Funds opened on Tuesday at an improvement of I. This was temporarily lost through the intelligence of a French loan of ten millions sterling, commu- nicated at the same time. It is net yet known whether the contract for this loan will be by public or private negotiation. On Wednesday, the Funds fell on a reported defeat of the Turks at lialafat, and Consols were done at 90k; from which there was only a partial reaction. On Thursday, greater firmness was exhibited, and they closed at 91k A tendency to de- pression has been occasionally arrested by the limited supply of Stock, which has not been so scarce for many years. Accounts from Vienna announce a new Austrian lottery-loan of 50 million florins : the bonds to be in amounts of 250 florins, bearing an interest of 18 florins or 4 per cent, payable yearly : the loan to be redeemed by annuities of 14 per cent for fifty years : there will be two drawings annually, by lottery, to cancel bonds. The loan to be subscribed for only in the Austrian dominions. The price at which it will be negotiated is not yet determined, but 90 per cent is rumoured as the ex- treme point. In Paris, lower prices have prevailed, and the rate of ex- change is again adverse: the gold now remitted thither from London amounts to about 100,0001. daily. At Vienna and Amsterdam, the accounts have been more favourable. At St. Petersburg, the rate of exchange shows a decline of upwards of 2 per cent. The prices for Russian produce in London continue to advance. The specie brought by the Magdalena steamer from the West Indies on Tuesday was 550,000/. The Transfer-books in Three per Cent Reduced closed for dividends last Friday, Bank Stock and Long Annuities on Wednesday, and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents yesterday. A paper was printed on Tuesday by order of the House of Lords, containing the result of the Stocks and Annuities redeemed, paid off, or commuted ; ex- hibiting the annual interest previous to and after commutation. The amount of Capital Stock to be redeemed or commuted was 11,133,210!. 128.; of which 3,063,906/. 18s. 8d. was commuted, and 8,069,3031. 13s. 4d. re- deemed6,048,756/. 4s. 9d. was paid off on the 5th of January last, and 2,020,a5/. 8s. 7d. will be paid off on the 5th of April next. The yearly interest before commutation was 91,9171. 3s. 10d., and afterwards 84,668/. 13s. 4d. The Exchequer Bills exchanged for Exchequer Bonds amounted to 408,000/. : the yearly interest on the Bonds is stated at 11,244!. 158. ; and the interest on the like amount of Exchequer Bills, at 2 per cent per day, would be 12,437/. 7s. 6d.; causing a decrease of annual charge of 11921. 12s. 6d. The amount of Exchequer Bills paid off in Money from the 5th January 1853 to the 5th January 1854 was 3,128,0001.; and the amount purchased by the National Debt Commissioners during the same period on account of the Sinking-fund was 1,557,0001., and for the Savings-Bank fund 1,247,0001.
Today the Funds have been dull, and Consols have fallen e ; closing at 90k 1 for Money and the Account. Exchequer Bills have declined 3s. this week ; they are now 12 16.
In Foreign Securities, a rally has occurred in a few instances from the late heavy depreciation. Russian Five per Cents have improved 4 ; Ditto Four- and-a-half per Cents, 3; Sardinian, 1; Spanish Deferred, I. The following have declined-Danish Three per Cents, 6; Spanish Three per Cents, and Venezuela, 1. Several sales of Spanish have been made during the week. The remittances by the Mexican packet on account of the dividends were 19,804 dollars 12 cents from Tampico, and 46,754 dollars 37 cents from Vera Cruz, besides 960 dollars from the latter place for Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co.
Railways have been rather unsteady, owing to the uncertain state of the English Funds : the fluctuations have not been extensive. Yesterday there was a slight improvement, and the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase- Great Britain, I/. 108. ; London and North-Western, 108. ; Great Western, Lancashire and Yorkshire, and Midland, 5.s. Decrease—Edinburgh and Glasgow, 2/. ; Bristol and Exeter, London and South-Western, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11. Chester and Holyhead, South Wales, York, Newcastle, and Berwick, and York and North Midland, 10s.; Aber- deen, 5s. Only a small business has been transacted in Foreign Shares. Paris and Strasbourg have improved 10s. Northern of France, 7s. 6d.; Paris and Lyons, 5s. Today no alteration has occurred in the English lines. Foreign are slightly better.
The English Funds are dull this morning. At the lower quotations of yesterday, Consols for Money and Account arc 9O ; Exchequer Bills, 12 1G. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 377,2621. In Foreign Stocks no change has occurred. Railways are steady, and there is little doing. These are the present bargains : Great Southern and West- ern, (Ireland) 911; Great Western, 79 ; Midland, 61; South-Eastern, 62i; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 68.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents 90i I 901 1 shut shut Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents 73 8 55 6 84 6 24 41 Long Annuities shut Perm ian 4.1 per Cents .... 62 4 ex d.
Bank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cents 46 8 Exchequer Bills 12 16. Portuguese 4 per Cents 34 6 India Stock 233 8 Russian 5 per Cents 89 91 Austrian 5 per Cents 75 8 Ditto 41 per Cents 81 3 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 Spanish 3 per Cents 36 7 Belgian 41 per Cents 85 90 Ditto Deferred 181 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 78 80 Danish 5 per Cents 94 7 Swedish 4 per Cents 82 7