House of Commons.
By whom introduced. Stage arrived at. Exchequer Bills ril,ei50,0001 Mr. Gladstone. Read a first and se-
cond time.
Ministers-Money (Ireland) Sir John Young. Read a first time. The second readings of the week are-The Church Building Acts Continuance
Bill, the Mutiny Bill, the Marine Mutiny Bill, and the Exchequer Bills Bill. The Coasting Trade Bill, the Commons Enclosure Bill, the Consolidated Fund (8,000,0001.) Bill, have gone to the Lords.
Title. By whom introduced. Stage arrived at. Judgment Execution : to enable Execution to issue in any part
of the United Kingdom Mr. Craufurd. Leave given. County Court Extension Act From Lords. Amendment (Lord Brougham's.) Read a first time. Mr. Locke King's Succession to Real Estate Bill was lost on the second reading; Mr. Napiec's Absconding Debtors (Ireland) Bill was read a second time; and Lord Brougham's County Court Extension Act Amendment Bill was read a first time.
No. of Bills.
No. of Bills.
Introduced and "leave given March 4 " to I 23 Introduced and "leave given " to I March 4 19 Ditto during the Week . 2 Ditto during the Week
Of these :
Sent from the Lords
Received Royal Assent 1
Of these:
Been read a second time .... 5 Rejected. 1
Further advanced 2 Been read a second time .... 4
Wait a second reading
14 Wait a second reading HI
Gone to the Lords .....
.... 3
Conveyance of Mails by Railways : inquiry into the whole subject. (air. Wilson.) Non-Ministerial.
Ventilation of the House. (Mr. Spooner.)
House of Lords.
The Earl of Harrowby has placed upon the table, a Bill for the Registration of Bills of Salo ; and Lord Brougham, a Bill on the subject of Bankruptcy Law in Scotland.
Parliamentary Business in Prospect.
Income-Tax-To move that the charge be increased by one half (7d. to Mid.); Monday, March 13. (Mr. CIIANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER.) STAMP Acrs -Committee ; Monday, March 13.
BRIBERY, &C. BILL-Second reading; Monday, March 13. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.) CONTROVERTED ELEcrions, Ike. BILL-Second reading ; Monday, March 13. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.) THE SUSPENDED SEATS-Bills for the prevention of Bribery at Canterbury, Cam- bridge, Barnstaple, and Kingston-upon-Hull; Monday, March 13. (Mr. AT•
DIGE TREASON (Inatelvo)-Bill to assimilate the Law in Ireland to the Law of England - Thesday March 14. (Mr. Wniruatise.) RELIGIOUS 'VOWS-Bill to secure to persons under religious vows the free exercise of their lawful rights in the disposal of their property ; Tuesday, March H.
OATHS-Bill to substitute Declarations ; Tuesday, March 14. (Mr. PELLarr.) FACTORIES-Bill to limit the Hours of Work of Women and Young Persons to ten in the day ; Thursday, March 16. (Mr. Cl/BIG:TT.) MORTMAIN-Bill to consolidate and amend the Laws; Thursday, March 16. (Mr. HEADLAM.) OXFORD UNIVERSITY-Bill to make further provision for the good Government and Extension of the University and its Colleges ; Friday, March 17. (-Lord JouN RUSSELL.) BRIBERY PREVENTION BILL-Second reading; Friday, March 17. (Sir FITZROY KELLY.) COLONIAL 'CLERGY DISABILITIES BILL-Second reading; Friday, March 17. SOLICITOR-GENERAL.) OATHS BILL-Second reading; Monday, Marc', 20. (Lord Jour; RUSSELL.) SETTLEMENT AND REMOVAL BILL-Second reading; Monday, March 20. (Mr. BAINES.) PUBLIC OFFICES-Select Committee to inquire how far a system of examination or other test of efficiency may be adopted or further extended in the ease of ap- pointments and promotion of candidates for the difibrent departments of the Public Service; Thursday, March 23. (Mr. EwART.) SELECT Comm-rues-Select Committee to consider whether the constitution of Select Committees might not be improved; Thursday, March 23. (Mr. Ewanr.) Gaisixo-Housys-Bill for the suppression of Gaining-Houses; Thursday, March 23. (Mr. ATTORNEY-GENERAL.) EPISCOPAL AND CAPITCLAR ESTATES BILL-Second reading ; Wednesday, March 20. (Marquis of BLANDFORD.) AMENDMENT-That the second reading take place that day six months. (Sir WIL- LIAM CLAY.) PUBLIC Paosacirrons BILL-Second reading ; Thursday, March 30. (Mr. Jou.; Put LLIMORE.) PROPERTY QUALIFICATION BILL-Second reading ; Wednesday, April 5. (Mr. TUFNELL.) PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION BILL-Second reading, Thursday, April 27. (Lord JOHN RUSSELL.)