• Tuesday, March 7.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Evan and Bixley, Worship Street, coach-joiners- Roxburgh and Co. Liverpool, general-merchants—S. and W. Whitworth, Ashton- under-Lyne, corn-dealers—Amelang and Boldt, manufacturers of leather goods- Shorthouse and Lawrence, Carshalton, surgeons—Jones and Bricknell, Bristol, confectioners—Davies and Co. Plymouth, coal-merchants ; as far as regards J. D. Davies—J. and C. A. North, Bllston, Staffordshire, plumbers—J. and M. Barrow, Stockport, shopkeepers—Brewer and Lanyon, Taunton, linen-drapers—Davies and Co. Wavertree, Liverpool, gardeners ; as far as regards J. Jones—Robinson and Jervis, Southport, Lancashire, printers—Spence and Co. Deptford, linen-drapers- Firth and Aspinall, Halifax, Yorkshire, fancy-cloth-manufacturers—The Forest Tin- plate Company, West Dean, Gloucestershire, and Daniels and Co. London, tin-platee
workers-M'Andrew and Sons, King William Street, merchants; as far as regards B.. 1.PAndrew-hil'Andrews and Cunningham, Liverpool, fruit-merchants ; as far as re- gards W. P. M'Andrew-Clark and Sons, Lymington, grocers-Hughes and Co. Wrexham, millers-Tyson and Macretha, Cannon Street, tea-dealers ; as far re- gards F. T. Macreth-Heyworth and Co. Meadows Mill, Sacrist, Lancashire, cotton- manufacturers-Parker and Co. Stockport, waste-dealers-Robertson and Co. West Bromwich, Staffordshire, provision-dealers -Charnock and Co. Church, Accrington, Lancashire, chemical-manufacturers ; as far as regards T. Bridge-Wharton and Co. Melbourne, commission-merchants ; as far as regards J. Caird.
BANKRUPTS.-GEORGE JONES, Baker Street, Clerkenwell, jeweller, to surrender March 16, April 20: solicitors, Grover and Caere, King's Bench Walk, Temple; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WILLIAM UILBERTSON Leo, Portland Street, Walworth, salt-merchant, March 17, April 21 : solicitor, Seaman, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbury -James SITTER, Stratford, 'Essex, grocer, March 18, April 22: solicitors, Hill and Matthews, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Pennell, Basinghall Street-Chanucs Jons DAmos CAMPBELL, College Street, Camden Town, builder, March 21, April 24: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street - Fammis PAUL BECKER, Stationer's Hall Court, engraver, March 20, Apri124 : solicitor, Pawle, New Inn ; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street -11ENny Giwom, Bray, Berkshire, mil- ler, March 15, April 22: solicitors, Smith and Son, Argyll Street; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Thomas HARVEY, Twyford Street, Caledonian Road, builder, March 18: April 22: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Joseph MUNDEN, sen. Netherbury, Dorset, flax-spinner, March 14, April 19: solicitors, Gundry, Bridpm t Terell, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzell, Exeter-Jolla Asuwomm, Litchurch, Derby- shire, hotel-keeper, March 24, April 7: solicitor, Marshall, Birmingham ; official as- signee,Harriss, Nottingham-Jous ELLis, Manchester, joiner, March 24, April 29 : solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester- RteHARD LYNCH, Manchester, boot-maker, March 20, April 10: solicitors, Cooper and Son, Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester.
DIVIDENDS.-Marelt 30, Cubitt, High Holborn, builder-March 29, Window, Craig's Court, Charing Cross, agent-March 28, Davison, Chatham, grocer-March 28, Barber, Cambridge, schoolmaster-March 28, Gibbons, Wood Street, straw-hat- warehouseman-March 28, Homes, High Street, Southwark, woollen-draper-March 30, Blakely, Norn ieh, shawl-manufacturer-March 30, Fisher, Mincing Lane, colo- nial-broker-March 30, Colquhoun, Woolwich, money-scrivener-March 30, Loader, Pavement, Finsbury, upholsterer-March 29, Mongredien, Liverpool, merchant- March 30, Hohne, Manchester, cotton-manufacturer.
CERTIFICATES.-To le granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 29, Thomas, Leadenhall Street, auctioneer-March 29, Cobb, Maid- stone, builder-March 29, Jenkins, Mile End Road, victualler-March 29, Deacon, Oxford, builder-March 28, Wilkinson, Cambridge Wharf, Pimlico, coal-merchant- March 29, Proctor, Lincoln, engineer-March 28, Young, Sunderland, ship-owner- April 1, Purcell, Dudley, hosier-April4, Brook, Manchester, stuff-merchant-April 7, Bowell, Manchester, publican. DECLARATIONS OF DITIDEND8.-POWSIL Bonney, upholsterer; first dir. of 4s. March 9, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Hardwick, Regent Street, dealer in ribands • first diV. of ls. March 9, and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Robinson, Commercial Road East, clothier ; first div. of Is. 9d. on new proofs, March 9, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-T. and A. M'Cree, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocers ; final div. of 11d. (making with former diva. 93. 6d. in the pound,) any Saturday ; Wak- ley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
SCOTCH SuoursoLurioNs.-Lang, rlasgow, merchant, March 15-Wallace, Glas- gow, writer, March 18-Milne, Glasgaw, merchant, March 10.
Friday, .March 10.
Pesraisamrirs DISSOLVED.-Taylor and Dayton. Hull, brewers-Fletcher and Mason, Camberwell, schoolmasters-Allen and Hickman, Kingswinford, timber- merchants-Vare and Co. Rainow, Cheshire, coal-masters-Esau and Bixley, Wor- ship Street, coach-joiners-Spivey and Co. Huddersfield, painters ; as far as regards J. Dyson-Ackerley and Co. Liverpool, ship-chandlers ; as far as regards A. Smith -Smith and Co. Liverpool, galvanizers of iron ; as far as regards S. W. Ackerley- Fulton and Dow, Rochdale, wine-merchants-W. 0. and A. Lamond, Royal Ex- change, stock-brokers-Thacker and Son, Ashton-under-Lyne, iron-founders- Langton and Co. Driggeth Lead Mine, Maryport, Cumberland; as far as regards L. R. Langton-Booth and Fox, Sheffield, shear-manufacturers-Lord and Co. Ashton- uuder-Lyne, cotton-spinners-Hoare and Co. Lower East Smithfield, brewers; as far as regards F. Woodbridge-Ward and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-stuff- manufacturers-Noakes and Son, Burwash, Sussex, drapers--Addison and Kirkup, Bishopwearmouth, painters-C. and G. H. Jewell, Farningham, Kent, grocers- WHean and Co Liverpool, commission-merchants; as fax as regards R. 31•Kean- Lancaster and Co. London, merchants.
BANKRVFTCT AsNurr.ED.-WILLfau Bransure, Foster Mill, Yorkshire, cotton- spinner. 13mucittrems.-WILLIAM Joins WATSON, Upper Holloway, builder, to surrender March 21, April 20 : solicitor, Brown, Finsbury Place ; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-Hsasu JonissoN, Turnwheel Lane, machinist, March 23, April 27 : solicitor, Teague, Crown Court, Cheapside; official assignee, Bell, Cole- man Street Buildings-WiLtram CLIME Human, Putney, grocer, March 24, April 23 : solicitors, Hare and Whitfield, Temple ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Wn.LLam JOHN HICKS, Waltham Abbey, draper, March 18, April 21: solicitors, Davidson and Bradbury, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Carman, Aldermanbary-FoLumucx Btusaa, George Yard, Lombard Street, hotel-keeper, March 22, April 25: solicitors, Miller and Carr, Eastcheap ; official assignee, Stans- feld, Basfi-g!Street-Emus; SHAW, Birmingham, pocket-book-maker. March 25, April 24: solicit sr, Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- Jamas Polls, Stoke-upon-Trent, confectioner, March 23, April 25: solicitor, Smith. Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham -Chaturornua JAMES TAYLOR, Birmingham, coal-dealer, March 22, April 26: solicitor, Hodgson, Bir- mingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-THOMAS Boort", Halifax, innkeeper, March 21, April 24: solicitors, Mitchell, Halifax ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-Davin Corzsas, East stonehouse, cab-pro- prietor, March 27, April 24: solicitor, Elworthy, Plymouth ; official assignee, Hirtzell, Exeter-HENRY JAMES Roams, Callington, Cornwall, surgeon, March 22, April 20: solicitors, Edmonds and Sons, Plymouth ; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzell, Exeter-Thomas 3FKENNA, Belfast, draper, March 24, April 23 : solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manchester- Joins HAmusoN, Sunderland, victualler, March 22, April 2a: solicitors, Abraams, Southampton Buildings; Marie, Southampton Buildings, and Newcastle-upon- Tyne; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Divrnmans. - April 1, Hinde, Bedford, plumber-April 1, Hensley, Montague Place, Russell Square, apothecary-April 1, Purcell, Dudley, hosier-March 31, Battersby, Liverpool, iron-founder-March 31, Browne, Amble House, Northum- berland, ship-owner-April 4, Bamfard, Pontefract, maltster-March 31, Spencer and Pullen, Bradford, Yorkshire, top-makers-April 1, Bloomer and Philipps, Shef- field, joiners'-tool-manufacturers.
CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-March 31, Pearson, Birkenhead, grocer-April 4, Green, Birmingham, button-manufacturer-April 1, Bloomer and Philipps, Sheffield, joiners'-tool-manu- facturers.
DECLARATIONS OP Drrinmins.-Streeter, Brighton, corn-merchant: second div. of 41d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Theme, Buckingham, innkeeper ; first div. of Is. 9.s. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Matravers, Skin- ner Street, Bishopsgate Street, brewer ; second and final div. of 28. 9d. on the sepa- rate estate, Wednesday next, and two subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Moorgate Street-Arnold and Wollett, Clement's Lane, insurance-agents ; third div. of ls. aid. a div. of 2s. 54d. on new proofs, and a third div. of 4s. 8d. on the separate estate of J. H. Arnold, March 11, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street-Cobhett, Bear Gardens, Southwark, lead-merchant ; first div. of 203. Satur- day, March 11, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Basinghall Street- Welsh. Romford, linen-draper ; second div. of Is. W. and 98. 7d. on new proofs, March 11, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Basinghall Street-Creed, Chadwell, Tilbury Fort, innkeeper; first div. of Is. 10d. March 11, and three subsequent Satur- days Edwards, Basinghall Street-Bradford, Leigh, Worcestershire, butcher ; first div. of 53. 2d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Cresswell, Kidderminster, chemist ; first div. of 3s. 7d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Askey, Shel- ton, Staffordshire, timber-merchant; first div. of 93. Zirl. any Thursday; Whitmore,
gham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Sawtell and Co. Paisley, manufacturers, March 20 - Dickson, Glasgow, merchant, March 24-H. and J. Baird, Paisley, manufacturers, March 20-Martin and Co. Glasgow, vinegar-manufacturers, March 17.